What is the need to extend the life of the UPS system? 

A well-maintained and manufactured electronic product can fail at some point in time. It enhances the need to maintain them appropriately to regularly ensure optimal performance and protection capabilities. The UPS- uninterruptible power supply system is a well-known electronic product that protects devices from damage. They are essential for your devices, increasing the need to maintain them. Good maintenance of any equipment will yield the best performance for many years to come. We are discussing the need to keep these appliances, but are you aware of how to do so? Here are some tips you need to be mindful of for mercer UPS in Kenya.

Must store the replacement battery properly

When you purchase new batteries, you can store them for up to 12 months. It is good if you buy replacement batteries, but ensure you avoid storing your spare for an extended period. Keeping batteries for too long will have a shorter lifespan. You must keep the batteries at a cool temperature of 50 degrees Farehnite since it will extend the life expectancy of stored batteries.

Install the UPS unit in a cool and dry place.

Ensure you keep the UPS unit with a temperature not exceeding 77 degrees Farehnite. Every 8-degree celsius temperature may cut your battery life in half. Never keep your UPS device near open windows or high moisture areas.

Clean the UPS

Apart from vacuuming, only attempt to clean your UPSs subassemblies with help. In case you find any accumulative dirt take the help of a certified UPS cleaning professional. Properly open the door and drawers and inspect the cabinets thoroughly. Clean them and restore all the drawers.

What is the importance of UPS maintenance?

There is considerable importance in maintaining your UPS system properly. Here are some of the points you need to know.

Ensures optimum UPS power supply efficiency

Properly maintaining the UPS include servicing all the UPS installation’s major parts. For the optimum utilisation of UPS power supply efficiency, all the critical instruments need to be checked. So, all in all, with the help of proper maintenance, you can enjoy UPS efficiency.

It improves the business budgeting and maintenance processes

Implementing a preventive maintenance program, you can avoid unanticipated failures and plan for the future more effectively. Additionally, you can forecast and budget for part refurbishments and replacements and build them into your forecasted costs.

It increases efficiency and lifespan.

With the help of professional UPS maintenance and UPS service, you can be sure about the UPS power supply function at peak performance. It will help your system to work for a prolonged period.

Final Words!

UPS protects your business’s critical equipment, which makes them essential to protect. You must maintain your UPS properly from time to time. If you are looking for a Mecer UPS in Kenya, you can purchase them from us. Our highly efficient UPS system can give your business high security. You must check our products and get them for your business now.

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